Article: March for Our Lives

By Sophie Minello

March 24, 2018 marked the first March for Our Lives. The march was organized and inspired by young students across the country after the Parkland Florida shooting on February 14, 2018 that left 17 kids and teachers dead. We marched for them, and the hundreds of people affected by gun violence. In this march, we said no more. No more to assault weapons being obtained at the legal level. No more to gun violence in our communities. No more to kids being afraid to go to school.

In Washington, DC, and all around the country, all different kinds of people raised their voices to advocate for a change. I found myself at the Cleveland march, surrounded by passionate people. Having not been to a march before, this was an incredibly powerful experience. Chants such as “enough is enough”, “not one more”, “this is what democracy looks like”, and “the NRA has got to go” rippled through the crowds. Young kids holding “I’m marching for my life” signs and a group of seven year olds beginning a chant about wanting gun reform now aren’t things you see on a regular basis, but that’s how you know things need to change.

Contact your state’s representatives on the issue of gun violence and reform. Be sure to register to vote if you’re going to be 18 by the next election. Use your voice, start conversations, and make a change!

March for Our Lives


Sunlight Magazine